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How to Procrastinate and It is GOOD!

How to Procrastinate and It is GOOD!

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do it the day after tomorrow." -Mark Twain

My dad always tells me, why to put up any task for later, do it now. The first one ever wins, he who hesitates is lost. I have tried to follow up through as much I can, but I procrastinated almost everywhere starting all papers in the school to all significant renovation in the house. Parents and teachers are continually imploring children to begin their assignments earlier instead of waiting until the last minute. What if procrastination itself is a real deal? A real deal for a better outcome. For success. There are definite advantages to finish quickly. We can be sure to finish what we started. We can beat the competition.

But is it doing first has more drawbacks? Yep, the early bird gets the first worm, But The first worm gets caught as well! Especially in highly competitive and vigilant market.

Procrastination is a way to delay or postpone intentionally.

How I put it as, I bought some time to engage in detailed and diverge thinking on the task at hand. I succeeded in postponing the premature and suboptimal foreclosure of the task. Procrastination may reduce productivity, but it encourages diverse atypical and intelligent thinking within the task at hand.

The notion of delaying a task at hand can be a two-edged sword.

SO, When procrastination helps? Well, Procrastination is very helpful only IF there is an element of intrinsic motivation about the task.

The passion for the job with added dawdle generates more creativity.

Psychologists suggest that a person is preoccupied with the job but procrastinates and engages in a different task for example games or exercise give them mental stimulation and more energy to think creatively.

It is estimated that Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa on and off for a few years starting in 1503, left it unfinished, and didn’t complete it until close to his death in 1519. It took about fifteen years developing the idea for The Last Supper. People believed that he was wasting time tinkering with experiments and other distractions that kept him from completing his paintings. These distractions, though, turned out to be vital to his creativity.

So, Not losing passion, Keeping a back burner of the idea alive, No skipping Planning and deadlines of timing, Making gradual progress by testing and refining creative ideas, and Most of all Strategic procrastination Altogether lead to success.

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Reading time 1 min 38 sec

Speaking time 3 min 10 sec

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