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An electroencephalogram (EEG) helps analyze brain wave function.

Electrodes/probes are placed on the scalp to record the brain’s electrical impulses. The test can last from 45 minutes to longer depending on the test ordered.


Ambulatory EEG
Blurred of newborn patient with encephalography electrode in clinic,  Electroencephalogram

Ambulatory EEG is a test of your brainwave EEG. 
Unlike the routine EEG that typically is done in the office and only lasts 20-30 minutes, the ambulatory EEG is performed in the comfort of your home and is run typically for one to several days. 


 An EMG (Electro-Myography) test measures the electrical activity of your muscles at rest and when you tighten them. It helps to find diseases that damage muscles or nerves, why you cannot move your muscles (paralysis), why they feel weak, or why they twitch.

Nerve Conduction studies (NCS) measure the integrity of the nerves and their abilities to send and/or receive electrical signals. They help to find damage to the nerves that lead from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body (periperhal nervous system), and are often used to help find nerve disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome.


Monitoring: Epilepsy & Critical Care

Electroencephalography (EEG) is an important and relatively inexpensive tool that allows intensivists to monitor cerebral activity of critically ill patients in real time. Seizure detection in patients with and without acute brain injury is the primary reason to obtain an EEG in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).


  • Detection of NCSE and brain ischemia

  • Faster treatment = improved outcomes

  • Monitoring efficacy of treatment.

  • Assist clinicians and family members in ongoing treatment decisions

  • Advantages for facilities: Shorter ICU stays for Patients

Intraoperative Monitoring

Immensely valuable in the detection and prevention of neurological insult during and Intraoperative monitoring is now becoming part of standard medical practices and routinely used during many surgical procedures, including the risk of neurological injury. 

IONM employs various physiological principles, each with a unique application and frequently used together in the same surgery, leading to improved patient outcomes. It increases the decision-making during surgery and surgical outcomes more favourable for patients.

Evoke Potentials

Evoked potential (EP) tests measure the electrical activity in areas of your brain and spinal cord in response to certain stimuli. The test involves electrodes placed on specific parts of your scalp and/or other parts of your body and deliver a stimulus (such as images, sounds or electrical pulses). The electrodes “catch” your brain and nerves’ electrical signal responses to the stimulus.


This test is used in diagnosing, differentiating and prognosing neurological diseases like Multiple Sclerosis.

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